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Needs-based Marketing to Improve Job Search

How Needs-based Marketing Techniques Improve Your Job Search

Resumes of the 90s, 80s, and long ago were a one-resume-fits-all solution. The resume simply said, “This is who I am, what I have done, and I hope you like me.” That was effective in an environment in which that type of resume was the norm. Employers were accustomed to weeding through non-relevant data to find what they needed.

In the modern world, the old-fashioned resumes won’t make the cut. You simply can’t keep up with the competition, much less surpass the competition, using job search strategies of the 90s. Your challenge as a candidate is to sharpen your message for each segment of your audience. In some cases, it is wise to craft a message for particular opportunities. You must deliver the right message to the right hiring employers. That is where needs-based marketing comes into play.

Identify the Needs of Hiring Employers

The first step is to review job postings, employers’ websites, and profiles for employers and employees at those employers. This serves multiple purposes. First, you can better understand the job market and clarify your goal. More importantly, you gain insight into the unique needs of each employer and general requirements for certain job types.

Select Your Target Employers

Savvy marketers, select their target audience. “Any job I can get at any company in the Seattle area” is not a target. Based on your research, identify your targets. Most candidates have multiple career targets.

Overcome Barriers to Entry

What is preventing you from reaching your targets? Is it a particular skill? Is it knowledge of certain subjects? The job postings will inform you of the requirements. Beyond that, you can access occupational or industry requirements on industry association sites or the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook site. Know your barriers to entry and make a plan to break down the barrier.

Tailored Marketing Message

This is the key to a powerful resume in 2014. Create a separate resume for each target employer or each segment. For example, one career path may be compliance manager at a pharmaceutical firm and another path may be in government relations. A third could be a position in academia. The skills are similar, but the specific duties and requirements are different. Create a differentiated message for each target position.

Fine Tune Your Resume to be “the Perfect Match”

Take it one step further and identify the unique needs of an employer. Target your message to show your exposure to issues the company may be facing or how you can advance upcoming projects/products. This takes a little more time, but you will be rewarded when that employer sees you at the perfect fit - - THE candidate that is poised to perfectly meet their needs.

So, if you find you are sending dozens of resumes each month and your response is zilch. It could be that your resume is not focused on the special needs of the hiring employers. If that is the case, it is time to implement a needs-based marketing strategy. If you need help, I am only an email or phone call away.

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